Andrea lee


Andrea lee’s healing story:


In Canada, statistics show that by the age of 40, 50 percent of individuals will have experienced or currently have a mental illness. Faced with this daunting statistic, Andrea Lee, a true Wellness Warrior, refused to become another number in this statistic. Instead, she decided to take control of her health and forge a path towards healing. Understanding that her lifestyle choices held the key, Andrea embarked on a transformative journey by enrolling in Nicolette’s Nutrition and Detox Coaching Certification Program.


Born and raised on the picturesque West Coast of British Columbia, Canada, Andrea's love for nature and adventure was evident from a young age. After traveling and working, she settled in Whistler in 2005, immersing herself in the vibrant outdoor lifestyle the region offered. Despite her love for yoga, hiking, biking, snowboarding, and dogs, Andrea faced a profound struggle with her health.

Andrea's Journey:

Andrea's journey of self-discovery and healing began with a simple yet profound realization: that clean, nutrient-dense food and deep detoxification were the missing pieces in her quest for wellness. Battling with sugar and alcohol cravings, along with troubling digestive issues and poor sleep and mood, Andrea knew she needed to make a change. Her decision to join the Nutrition and Detox Program marked a turning point in her life.

It was during a period of rock bottom that Andrea found herself in a hotel room, contemplating her next steps. Taking a leap of faith, she booked a call with Nicolette Richer and embarked on a journey of learning about food as medicine. This pivotal decision marked the beginning of her transformation.

Empowerment through Education

After confronting her personal health challenges head-on, Andrea's thirst for knowledge led her to enroll in the Richer Health Nutrition+Detox Coaching Certification program. This program served as a catalyst for her deeper understanding of the profound impact of food on health and the intricate mind-body connection. Empowered by her newfound knowledge, Andrea decided to further her studies.

Today, Andrea stands as a Certified Holistic Nutrition Coach, Yoga Teacher, and Certified Culinary Nutrition Expert from the Academy of Culinary Nutrition. Her personal journey has illuminated the interconnected processes within our bodies and the critical need for balance and harmony. Andrea's passion for health and healing drives her mission to empower others to make positive changes in their lives.

"When I joined Richer Health’s program, I was excited to learn more about nutrition, but what I did not expect was to solve most of my health issues. My eyes have been opened to a whole new world, and I never want to turn back. I've learned how to care for myself and how to set my body and mind up for long-term health success. Nicolette is an amazing teacher and leader."


Andrea Lee's story is one of resilience, empowerment, and unwavering determination. From facing her darkest moments to reclaiming her health and vitality, Andrea serves as an inspiration to all who encounter her story. Through education, self-discovery, and a deep commitment to holistic wellness, Andrea has not only transformed her own life but continues to impact the lives of others positively. Her journey from Wellness Warrior to certified educator and advocate for health and healing embodies the power of embracing change and taking control of one's well-being. Andrea's story stands as a beacon of hope, reminding us all that it's never too late to embark on a journey towards health and happiness.

What I also love about Andrea’s story and about her being on our show is that she is an example of what it means to be curious, try something new, and expand her knowledge base and thinking, which inevitably contributed to her making the paradigm leap and shifting her worldview entirely. Her internal navigation system has brought her to us—to our Green Moustache restaurant, Richer Health Team and family. She continues to spread the Eat Real to Heal message as far and wide as possible.    



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