barbara macrae


BARBARA MACRAE’S healing story:


Barb's story is one of unwavering determination and the transformative power of holistic healing. As a wellness warrior, she refused to accept "no" for an answer and embarked on a global quest for answers to her chronic health issues. Through her research and discovery of Metabolic Nutrition + Detoxification therapy, Barb not only healed herself but also fulfilled her dream of motherhood. Her journey is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the life-changing impact of plant-based nutrition and detoxification.


Barb's health journey was marked by years of struggle with gut issues, extreme fatigue, mental fog, and multiple miscarriages. Frustrated by conventional treatments, she turned to holistic approaches and discovered Metabolic Nutrition + Detoxification Therapy—a regimen of plant-based, whole, unrefined foods and juices as medicine. This discovery was a turning point in her life, leading her on a path to healing and renewal.

Discovering the Answer:

In her quest for answers, Barb's research led her to the brilliant mind of Kathryn Alexander, a Naturopath and Gerson Dietary Therapist. Under Kathryn's guidance, Barb learned how to implement the Gerson Therapy, a metabolic nutrition and detoxification lifestyle. This approach not only addressed her chronic health issues but also repaired her reproductive system.

Transformation and Motherhood:

The results of Barb's commitment to the therapy were profound. After years of struggling, she was finally able to conceive and carry a pregnancy to term. Her beautiful son, now 5 years old, is thriving and healthy, a testament to the power of plant-based healing. Barb's newfound health allowed her to embrace motherhood fully, a dream she had longed for.

Continuing the Journey:

Barb's journey to health and wellness didn't stop with her healing. As a lifelong learner and graphic designer, she founded Roar Creative Agency, embodying her passion for creative expression. She continues to raise her son on the same whole-food lifestyle that has brought her health and vitality.


Barb's story is an inspiring example of resilience, determination, and the life-changing potential of Metabolic Nutrition + Detoxification Therapy. Through her unwavering commitment to holistic healing, she not only reclaimed her health but also fulfilled her dream of motherhood. Barb's journey serves as a beacon of hope for those struggling with chronic health issues, showing that healing is possible through the power of plant-based nutrition and a holistic lifestyle. Her story encourages others to never give up and to explore the transformative benefits of natural healing modalities.

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Psoriasis, PTSD, & Depression: Chris Brook


Reversing MS with Nutrition: Cheryl Mumm